Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dog sruvived being stabbed in the HEAD during burglary

German Shepherd is well known with its loyalty and courage. Bella the German Shepherd in South Africa is the best example. She fight with the robber during burglary but was attacked by the robber. An eight inch blade was into her skull.

Although the wound seems like serious, Bella miraculous recovered after the emergency surgery.

This shocking picture shows how the robbers narrowly missed the animal's eyes  as they plunged the deadly blade into her forehead.

Bella's owner Vernon Swart said he feared the worst when he saw the knife sticking out of her skull following the attack at his home.  He was told by his neighbors that his dog was running around in the street with a massive knife in her head. Vernon thinks it was a joke at first.

'I feared the worst and assumed she was going to die, but incredibly she was running around as if nothing had happened.' he said.
Bella is sitting beside Vernor quietly.

The vet couldn't believe what he was seeing and said he had no idea how Bella had survived.
The vet said it must have missed her brain by fractions of a centimeter and otherwise she would have been dead.
The eight inch diver's knife was later handed to the polices as evidence after the surgery.

Vernon told the police that if they find the robbers, they would like to leave Bella and them alone in a room for a few minutes, and Bella could quickly get her revenge.

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