Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Feet is going back home

The lost emperor penguin Happy Feet is going back home! Happy Feet was released from the research vessel Tangaroa on Sunday morning.

Happy Feet was discovered June 20 on a New Zealand beach far from his Antarctic feeding grounds. He became sick from eating sand and was transferred to the Wellington Zoo. His story has captured the imagination of people around the world.

This worldwide celebrity has been take care by specialist after operation in his own special ice-filled quarters is getting better.

'It's an indescribable feeling to see a patient finally set free. It's definitely the best part of the job,' said veterinary surgeon Lisa Argilla who treated the penguin after he was found emaciated and near death in late June.

Life-saving: A team of medics operate on Happy Feet

Happy Feet, was released into the water from the New Zealand fisheries vessel Tangaroa near Campbell Island, about 700km south of New Zealand's South Island. His home in Antarctica is about 2,000km further south and it is expected he will join up with other emperor penguins on the long voyage.

More familiar environment: Happy Feet is released in Antarctica from his big blue crate was four people try and encourage him to go down a specially-made slide and into the water

Back home: Happy Feet prepares to be sent back into the sea two months after he was discovered in New Zealand

F-f-f-f-Freezing: Happy Feet prepares to go back into the sea for the first time in two months

In he goes: The three foot tall emperor penguin slowly moves towards the water in Antarctica

Gone: Happy Feet disappears for good.

But just in case he gets lost again, the wayward penguin has been fitted with a tracking device, so the team and the public can follow his progress back home.

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