Thursday, October 13, 2011

Big Bear doing a butterfly to catch fish?

A brown bear with a good diving skill in Alaska Katmai National Park, United States having its own live butterfly show.

This brown bear is actually catching salmon instead of having its own show time. When the bear saw salmon in front of it, it dives into the water just like a professional Olympic swimmer.

The bear using its own butterfly technique with the dolphin kick to move forward and chasing the salmon.

Katmai National Park is a hot spot of salmon but also brown bear. While this brown bear stalking on the riverside and targeting its own lunch, it spotted the salmon.

To avoid this yummy salmon swim away, it disregards everything and dived in the water with its beautiful dolphin kick.

With this professional swimming skills, the bear finally get the salmon and bring it back to shore satisfactory.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lonely otter find him a new family

An otter in Somerset Secret World Wildlide Rescue lose his whole family when he is just six weeks old.

He is the only survivor among his family and then is kept in the Secret World Wildlide Rescue. The staff in Secret World Wildlide Rescue is very kind to help this lonely otter find another family.

With the staff guiding, this otter meets another four orphan kitten. They both fall in love in the first meeting. They then sleep together, play together and having sun bath together. The kittens also treat the otter as their family.

Although cats and otters are two different creatures, it is so surprise that they can have such a good affection. In fact, cats and otters are very similar. They both eat fish and interested in birds. The main different is otter can swim 3km per hour while cat doesn't really like water.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dog find his new home in UK

The world known earthquake happened in Sichuan in 2008 made a transnational story.

A UK volunteer, Judy was working in China to help in rescuing while she rescued two dogs, one's name Tremor and the other name Quake.

The earthquake was so destructive, it destroyed measureless houses and lots of people died. China Government was worried about infectious among people and dogs, and decided to kill all the stray dogs.

When Judy met Tremor and Quake, she decided to send them to animal shelter. Judy loves Tremor so much that came back to China to see them again after she back to UK.

Although Quake was adopted by someone, Tremor was still waiting in the cage. After that Judy told her husband Simon that she wanted to adopt Tremor. But was rejected by Simon because they already have 4 dogs and need £4000 for adopting Tremor.

Dramatically, Simon loves Judy so much and decided to give Judy a big surprise on their 30th anniversary. Simon designed a card with a photo of Tremor, and wrote "Will you bring be back home?"

Now, Tremor is one of Judy and Simon family member and living in England happily ever after.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Frank and Louie sets record for the world's oldest two-faced cat (own story)

A cat named Frank and Louie is a two-faced cat who just celebrating his 12 years old birthday and has set the record of the world's oldest two-faced cat.

Frank and Louie suffers from congenital condition craniofacial duplication which means he has three eyes, two mouths and two noses.

The owner of Frank and Louie, Marty was the former veterinary technician who saved Frank and Louie from being euthanized.

There aren't two animals in there though, he functions on a single brain. Although two of his eyes work normally, the third central eye does not function.

And now Frank and Louie is in the new edition of Guinness World Records  after surviving 12 years long miraculous.

'When he was first born, everyday was a blessing." said Marty

List of sources


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lion cub saved by mum on the last moment

Mother are very strong especially clinging on for the dear life. A very good example happened in Kenya's Masai Mara game reserve.

A lion cub fall down a vertical cliff and cries out pitifully for help. His mother then arrives at the edge of the precipice with three other lionesses and a male.

It seems like all the adult lions are discussing how to rescue the cub. The lions start to clamber down together however the cliff is too steep that the other adult lions timidly left.

Eventually one single factor determines which of them will risk her life to save the youngster, motherly love.

Slowly, agonizingly the big cat edges her way down towards her terrified son, using her powerful claws to grip the crumbing cliff side.

One slip could end up dead at the bottom of the ravine. The dramatic rescue captured by wildlife photographer Jean Francois Largot.

Just as the exhausted cub seems about to fall, his mother circles beneath him and he is snatched up in her jaws. She then climb back to the top.

Minutes later, they arrive and she gives the frightened son a consoling lick on his head.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Two bear cubs fighting in the middke of the road

If people are fighting in the middle of the road, lots of people may go and stop them or even call the police. But in this video clip, I guess many of you won't do so.

Two bear cubs are having a brawl by tourists on a road at Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park, California. The mother bear together with this two cute bear cubs for food hunting.

A video of the lovable cubs was uploaded to You Tube and it has already proven a hit with more than 1.000,000 views.

'That is the cutest,' one woman says, as the camera pans to show a bigger bear near the roadside watching what is happening.

'They are like puppy size,' another onlooker says. 'I want one,' says one person watching the cubs, who were fighting in front of a parked car.

An onlooker says 'one of them is so small', before joking: 'Oh please come to my car'.

 The cubs later go and follow their mother away from the road.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy Feet's tracker got silent.....

Happy Feet the Emperor penguin that was found on a New Zealand beach after wandering thousands of miles from home may be lost forever.

Happy Feet has became an international celebrity after losing his way and ending up in New Zealand is missing and was presumed eaten after being released into the ocean this month.

Concerns were raised over Happy Feet's fate when the tracker device attached to his body stopped sending signals on his trip home to Antarctica. 

Kevin Lay, of Sirtrack, the specialist firm that fitted the tracker, said no signal had been received since Friday, when the penguin was about halfway home. He said it was possible Happy Feet had been eaten, but he remained hopeful.

Lay said the tracker was meant to transmit a signal every time it broke the surface of the water, and had been working perfectly. It was intended to remain attached for months and be shed in the new year moult, but may have fallen off.

Sharks, seals and killer whales are among the creatures known to eat penguins.