Sunday, September 25, 2011

Two bear cubs fighting in the middke of the road

If people are fighting in the middle of the road, lots of people may go and stop them or even call the police. But in this video clip, I guess many of you won't do so.

Two bear cubs are having a brawl by tourists on a road at Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park, California. The mother bear together with this two cute bear cubs for food hunting.

A video of the lovable cubs was uploaded to You Tube and it has already proven a hit with more than 1.000,000 views.

'That is the cutest,' one woman says, as the camera pans to show a bigger bear near the roadside watching what is happening.

'They are like puppy size,' another onlooker says. 'I want one,' says one person watching the cubs, who were fighting in front of a parked car.

An onlooker says 'one of them is so small', before joking: 'Oh please come to my car'.

 The cubs later go and follow their mother away from the road.

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