Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy Feet's tracker got silent.....

Happy Feet the Emperor penguin that was found on a New Zealand beach after wandering thousands of miles from home may be lost forever.

Happy Feet has became an international celebrity after losing his way and ending up in New Zealand is missing and was presumed eaten after being released into the ocean this month.

Concerns were raised over Happy Feet's fate when the tracker device attached to his body stopped sending signals on his trip home to Antarctica. 

Kevin Lay, of Sirtrack, the specialist firm that fitted the tracker, said no signal had been received since Friday, when the penguin was about halfway home. He said it was possible Happy Feet had been eaten, but he remained hopeful.

Lay said the tracker was meant to transmit a signal every time it broke the surface of the water, and had been working perfectly. It was intended to remain attached for months and be shed in the new year moult, but may have fallen off.

Sharks, seals and killer whales are among the creatures known to eat penguins.

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