Monday, August 22, 2011

A Skydiving Pug?

America previous president Bush was skydiving for celebrating his 85 birthday. In California, Otis the pug does his 64th tandem skydiving.

Otis ten-year-old pug hailing from Galt, Calif., made his 64th jump (tandem, of course) with his owner, Will DaSilva, on Monday afternoon.

The little guy has been jumping out of planes with DaSilva since he was just one year old, but each jump continues to excite him.

"He's all excited about it, gets nervous at the door just like all the rest of the skydivers, and then once he gets out he's just having a ball. He's just like a dog with his head out the car window, just flapping away." DaSilva says.

DaSilva also emphasizes that he won't let Otis do it by his own, Otis must be accompanied by himself.

Apart from skydiving, Otis just likes normal pug, loves to stick with DaSilva and his fiancée

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